omg this is so in depth and real and helpful! Thank you for taking so much time to answer :)
You seem pretty organized! So far I'm still trying to solidify the habit of writing every day. I'm making progress! I don't write eeeevery day yet, and sometimes I write crappy, but I've gotten to the point that I can write "something" almost every day. My strategy pattern lately has been to write 2 poems, make one post on Medium and Instagram, and do 10-20 "marketing interactions" on both. (As far as marketing goes, do you think that's "enough" to build an audience?)
I kind of spontaneously published a couple chapbooks, but I really want to make a more full sized poem book. But I have a hard time sticking to a theme I assign myself... I can make myself make a poem but if I constrain the theme and style too much, the inspiration fades. Even the chapbooks, I struggled to get 30 poems on one unified theme. Do you have any advice on that?
Thanks again for connecting with me and congratulations on publishing Dreamville! I'll go read it right now :)