I really appreciate that you subdivided this conversation into a bunch of different deep questions! I love conversations like these, and I like that they are neatly organized into different containers lol
New experiences is a good way to put it — for me it’s unexpected ones. I love new things, especially in learning situations or parties, but even little things that are unwanted surprises throw me off. I probably have anxiety but I don’t go to the doctor for it… I’ve developed a lot of introversion and coping mechanisms, like focusing on breathing. I’m very much a creature of habit and I like to run things on autopilot, so my mind can be free to be creative and thinking and such. So if someone parks in my spot at work, my autopilot is disrupted and I have to think more consciously about parking. If someone knocks on my door at home I suddenly need to be quiet until they leave. The biggest kind of disruption is when I expect a certain event to happen like hanging out with a friend at a specific time and they cancel or if I plan to do homework and the online portal is broken — those things throw me off for hours until I realize “Oh I’ve been thrown off, I just need to choose a new goal” lol sometimes it’s silly
What is Akimbo?